- Facility to prepare ST-1, ST-3 and other forms like ST-4, ST-5, ST-6, ST-7, surrender
of ST-2, ASTR-1, 2, form-R (refund request) etc.
- Direct e-filing of return through software on single click.
- Maintain separate records on the basis of service, rate & abatement.
- Auto calculation of tax, interest, abatement and balances on the basis of service.
- Auto fills up of abatement & notification details on the basis of service.
- Facility to add/modify Special Service Tax rates in Ready Reckoner.
- Office Assistance available for office work like Entry of Filing date, Application
u/s 74 and Appeal Pending.
- General Report for status reports of Return Filed, Pending Returns and other useful
general details.
- Availability of Ready Reckoner with most useful ready knowledge like Act, Rules,
Circulars & Notification.
- Inter-linked with other related pages for direct access.
- Direct access & preparation of challan entry, departmental letters & other forms
for opened party.
- …and lots of more.